Life Alert is a very well known company because of its famous commercials for seniors falling, and them calling out that they need help and “can’t get up.” But what does Life Alert actually offer to its clients? GreatCall, a less popular medical alert company, is the producer of Lively Mobile. One of their portable, mobile systems. How well does this singular system work when compared to the whole company of Life Alert and its products? The results are actually surprising.
Which Is Better? Life Alert or GreatCall Lively Mobile?
Life Alert
What systems does Life Alert even offer? –
- At-Home: Life Alert’s at-home system is connected to a cellular or a landline number and comes with a base unit with two-way communication, a waterproof wristband or pendant help button, and an 800-foot distance the button can be pushed from the base station. The payments for this plan include $69.99 per month for monitoring or this can be paid annually at a price of $769.89 per year. Additionally, there is an activation fee of $96. The equipment is free.
- Away From Home: This mobile system comes with an all-in-one waterproof device that can be worn on a pendant. It has two-way communication and GPS tracking, as well. This plan is $89.85 per month or can be $898.50 per year, instead. The activation fee is $198. The equipment is still free.
*No available fall detection for either of the systems
*Very expensive!
*Activation fees for both systems
*Equipment is free
Lively Mobile
What features are in this package from GreatCall? –
- Lively Mobile has a mobile unit with a help button and a speaker for two-way communication built-in
- Lively Mobile uses GPS tracking to pinpoint your location, it is waterproof, and the battery can last about 36 hours between charges
- The mobile device can be worn on a lanyard or a belt clip
- There is a one-time equipment cost of $49.99
- The $24.99 monthly plan gets you 24/7 emergency response services
- The $29.99 monthly plan adds Urgent Care, which allows 24/7 access to doctors and nurses for medical advice and you get the mobile app called GreatCall Link (allows family and caregivers to monitor activities through an app)
- The $39.99 monthly plan gets you everything else that was mentioned above, as well as added fall detection
*Way cheaper than Life Alert (More Life Alert Alternatives here)
*Offers a way to get fall detection
*No activation fees
*Does have different plans that you can try
*There is an equipment fee
To come to a simple conclusion, the Lively Mobile system is a better option than any of the packages or systems that Life Alert offers. By looking at the prices, products, features, and other benefits from purchasing either Lively Mobile or Life Alert, Lively Mobile became the clear winner and by far is a better alternative.
Other Comparisons:
Medical Care Alert vs Medical Guardian
MobileHelp vs Life Alert
Lifefone vs Medical Guardian
Apple Watch vs Medical Alert
Medical Guardian vs Medical Alert
What is the Best Medical Alert System that a Senior Could Get?
The best medical alert system that a senior could get is probably the Active Guardian by Medical Guardian. This package includes a single mobile unit that has uses GPS and WiFi tracking abilities to help pinpoint your location, and it can only be worn on a pendant (waterproof). This plan has fall detection if enabled (extra $10 per month) and has a speaker on the base unit for two-way communication. This system is $44.95 per month with no equipment or activation fees. Overall, this system is at a relative price for great equipment and great features that are sure to protect you or a loved one.
All in all, Life Alert, the Lively Mobile, and the Active Guardian systems are all still great systems that will get the job done, and hopefully, make people feel safe and secure whether they are in their own home or away from home. Yes, price and good deals are great, but peace of mind for one’s own safety is number 1.

LifeCall is an American company with a long history of providing excellent monitoring services and efficient emergency alert systems to health care facilities catering to the elderly and individuals for use both indoors and on the go all over the United States.
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1 (866) 225-1295
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